What is 21 ROADS?

The biggest thing I’ve ever tried to do.

5 Years. 21 Projects.

21 ROADS is an artistic Mount Everest. One massive challenge consisting of 21 major creative works with only 5 years to complete them.

See, during the pandemic I came up with a whole bunch of really good ideas, only I couldn’t choose which one I wanted to focus my energy on so I ended up just saying WHOA what if I just do them all?

Then I came to my senses and said to myself Mike that’s a pretty aggressive amount of projects. Even if you work really hard it would probably take about 10 years…

I’m giving myself 5. 🤘

So my eyes got big and my dreams got bigger and I got to work. I thought and I wrote and I researched and I made a schedule and I raised some money and I booked some flights and I hit the ground running and now entering year 3 of this thing here we are. 21 ROADS is miraculously on schedule -- I’ve finished fully releasing Roads 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 and Roads 6-10 are all underway.

WHY are you doing this, Mike?

Because lately I've been having some of the best ideas I've ever had. Because I think these ideas will genuinely delight you. And because I believe the world needs great stories. And melodies. And imagination. And magic.

Or maybe it's just that I do.

Either way...

A "regular" record label would NEVER sign off on 21 ROADS. It's ambitious, risky, and definitely doesn't fit in a box -- they'd laugh me out of the building. Good thing I don't have a regular record label. I've got something better...YOU. Together we've made some real cool stuff over the years – no sense stopping now. ❤️

So WHAT are these 21 "Roads"?

21 Major Creative Works. (Think albums, video series, children’s books, etc.)

124 Component Works. (At a minimum. Think songs, videos, etc.)

These Roads go all kinds of directions! Some will take 2-3 months to complete...others will take all 5 years. Some will feature familiar scenery...others might feel markedly foreign. Little by little, I'll show you more of what I have in the works. I'm not gonna lie...a couple Roads might even get weird. But trust that every Road is designed to add a little (and maybe more than a little) delight to your life.

In Year One, we traveled the first 2 Roads:
Road #1: my album Live In Floyds Knobs. 13 songs, nominated for Live Performance Album Of The Year by the Independent Music Awards.
Road #2: the music video series for Live in Floyds Knobs. 

Year Two’s focus was:
Road #3: my album Into The Dark. 7 songs, recorded in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Road #4: the Into The Dark video series. Official selection of 7 international film festivals and counting.
Road #5: How To Fly with Alaska Chai. My very first Children's Picture Book about flying for the first time!

Year Three is underway! Here's what I'm working on right now:
Road #6: Original EP (Album title TBA).
Road #7: Holiday EP (Album title TBA).
Road #8: A Music Video shot halfway around the world.
Road #9: How To Wander (And Why!) with Alaska Chai (my second Children’s Book!).
Road #10: Alaska Chai Theme Song.

What's a 21 ROADER and why should I be one?

GREAT question. Super glad you asked. Here's how it works...

As of August 2024, 82 spectacular humans have achieved 21 ROADER status for 3 years running. Support at the 21 ROADER reward level or higher all 5 years of this thing, and you'll unlock a special EPIC BONUS REWARD STASH. I'll keep its contents a secret for now, but you're not gonna want to miss out. Trust me. 🤘🏼

If you missed out on 21 ROADS in Years 1-3 -- never fear! There will be ways to catch-up and join the elite ranks of 21 ROADERS when Fourth-Year Funding opens in July 2025.

(Don't want to wait until July 2025 to support 21 ROADS? I got you covered.)


Whether you support with $21 or $21000, whether you share 21 ROADS with a million followers on social media or just tell your best friend about it...I'm so damn grateful to have you in my corner. Cheers and love. ❤️

Let's go!! 🎉🎉🎉